After-School Program
After School Program (ASP) happens
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:20-4 p.m.
1st Semester September 18 - December 5
2nd semester January 22 - May 1
Check out our new After-School Program schedule page to see weekly updates and sign-up for activities:
The Middle School After School Program (ASP), sponsored by the YMCA, is open to all Brooks students that are signed-up for the program and it is free!
Parents may enroll their student in ASP by enrolling online during the enrollment process, picking up an application in the Main Office, the hallway by the AP office, or online on the YMCA website. A completed application must be on file for students to participate. Students involved in ASP are engaged in activities supervised by Brooks staff Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:20-4 p.m. There is an afternoon snack for participants, and there are three late buses with availability to other Wichita school drop-off locations for guardians to pick their student up. If your student is not riding a late bus, parents must pick up their students by 4 p.m. No late pick-ups for students, so please be on-time.
Some of the ASP activities include:
- Clubs
- Art
- Chess
- Creative Writing/Newspaper
- E-Sports
- Robotics
- Tutoring
- Computers/Technology
- YMCA sponsored field trips/events.
- Special presentations by community partners
If you have questions or need more information please reach out to Lauren Gilmore the director of Brooks After-School Program.
Lauren Gilmore