School Handbook
Welcome to Brooks Center for STEM and Arts Magnet Middle School!
In the section below, we've provided all the information you need to know for you and your student to thrive as part of the Brooks Center for STEM and Arts Magnet Middle School family.
Getting Ready for School
- Attendance Expectations
- Transportation
- Health Services and Medications
- ParentVue - Communication from School
- Dress Code
Attendance Expectations
Good attendance is critical for steady academic growth, and, by law, children are required to attend school.
Please call the school office any time your child will not be in school.
If you are asked to leave a voice mail, please give the following information:
- Name of the parent or guardian calling
- Student's name and grade
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for absence; please be specific
Absences will only be excused for the following reasons:
- Illness
- Medical or dental appointment
- A family death or serious illness
- Court/judicial appearance
- Religious observations
- School-sponsored activities
- Students who are late to school will be considered tardy. Please make every effort to have your student at school on time.
Additionally signing your child out in the afternoon prior to the end of the school day affects their attendance and learning.
Students who become truant (inexcusably absent three consecutive days or five school days in any semester or seven days in a school year) will be reported to the Kansas Department for Children and Families in accordance with Board of Education Policy 1461.
Students must live 2.5 miles or more from their assigned school to qualify for transportation to that school.
For questions about WPS transportation and busing, call 316-973-2190.
The district does offer the FirstView app that helps families track their student's school bus. Families will need a security code from the school office to use the app.
Health Services and Medications
Parents should notify the school nurse if there are any health conditions that may require medical attention, such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.
If a student becomes ill during the school day, they should request a pass to see the nurse.
Students who exhibit fever, sore throat or tonsillitis, any eruption of the skin or rash, any respiratory symptoms accompanied by a fever, severe cough or cold, or any eruption of the scalp, will be sent home.
Parents will be notified to pick up their student and must do so in a timely manner to limit exposure to other students and school staff.
Please keep your emergency contact information up to date with both the teacher and office staff.
School board policy (BOE P5316) restricts school personnel from giving students any medication, including over-the-counter medication.
Medication is given only upon written request from both the parent/guardian and the student's physician. Students must also have received one dose of medication without an adverse reaction prior to any doses being given at school.
All medicine must be in the original container and be presented by a parent to the school nurse for safe keeping and scheduled administration. The container should be labelled with the following:
- Name of student
- Name of medication
- Directions for use
- Name of physician
- Name and address of pharmacy
- Date of prescription
ParentVue - Communication from School
The district uses the ParentVUE online portal to give parents to access information about their student's attendance, assignments and grades. ParentVUE allows parents to quickly and easily update their family contact information, which is vital in order to maintain strong home-to-school connections.
Dress Code
The goal of Brooks standardized dress policy is to create an environment of learning and discipline that enhances student achievement, value students for their character, and promote a sense of school community and pride.
District Standardized Dress Expectations:
Per BOE Policy 1473, the following will be adhered to at Brooks:
- The standardized dress shall consist of a minimum of at least two solid colors for bottoms and tops, with no logos, pictures, or writing.
- Belts shall be worn if bottoms contain belt loops.
- Clothing shall be sized to correctly fit the student.
Brooks Standardized Dress Expectations:
- Colors are White, Black, Purple (different shades of purple allowed).
- Brooks Spirit t-shirts of any color.
- All tops must be solid in color with no logo, graphics or words allowed.
- Only Brooks official hoodies are permitted during regular school days and college hoodies on Think College Thursday. Fridays are Spirit Days when students are encouraged to wear any Brooks attire.
- Undershirts must be a dress code color without graphics.
- Shirts must have a collar with short or long sleeves (the exception is Brooks Spirit T-Shirts).
- Vests in dress code colors only (no denim) are allowed to be worn over an approved top.
- Allowable styles of shirts:
- Polo shirt-must have collar (one button may be undone)
- Oxford dress shirt-must have a collar, long or short sleeved (one button may be undone)
- Blouse-must have collar, long or short sleeved (one button may be undone)
- Sweaters/Sweatshirt-styles must be a solid dress code color, crew neck or button up
- V-neck with a crew collar undershirt in dress code colors (white, black, purple)
- Turtleneck or mock turtlenecks are considered collars
- Only Brooks Spirit T-Shirts are allowed, graphics/text must promote Brooks or an extra-curricular Brooks activity (any color allowed on any day of the week)
- The only permissible colors are Khaki (tan) and Black.
- All bottoms must be solid in color with no logo, graphics, words or “bling.”
- No denim.
- Black or brown leather belt with the original buckle and no bling are preferred for looped pants.
- No athletic or sweat pants/shorts.
- No skinny jeans, jeggings, tights or leggings (unless worn under skirts/shorts/dresses).
- Allowable styles of bottoms:
- Pants/slacks/corduroy/capris must fit at the waist (No sagging or dragging the floor)
- Shorts must be no more than 3” above the knee
- Skirts/jumpers/dresses/skorts must be at least fingertip length (even if leggings/tights are worn underneath)
- Leggings must have at least fingertip-length tops/tunics/dresses/skirts over the leggings Leggings/tights must be dress code color (khaki or black, white or purple)
- NO SAGGING – first and second offense will be given detention, third offense will be given ISS and fourth offense will be out of school suspension.
- Shoes should provide adequate support and safety.
- No house shoes, shoes with wheels, flip-flops, SLIDES, or CROCS.
- Sandals are allowed (must have a back strap).
General Expectations
- No writing on your clothing or oneself. Any tattoos must be covered.
- No “home-made” Spirit Shirts. The Spirit shirts must be purchased from Brooks Middle School.
- No sheer, lace, or see through material on shirts and shirts may not be ‘tied up.’
- Scarves may be school colors only (white, black, purple).
- All clothing should be free of holes, rips, cuts and frayed edges.
- Coats, jackets, non-school hoodies, hats, backpacks, wallets and purses are to be kept in lockers during the school day. Wallet chains are not allowed.
- Headbands must be no more than 2’’ in width and must be a dress code color – no bandana headbands. Headbands may not have any object (animal ears, flowers, logos etc.) attached.
- Bandanas, head coverings, sunglasses and combs/picks are not to be worn on campus
- Any accessories, including, but not limited to jewelry, make-up and hair color may not detract from the learning environment.
- The current year’s Student ID must be worn on a school lanyard around the student’s neck at all times. Students may not wear additional lanyards. Nothing additional should be hanging from the lanyard (keys, puff balls, germ-x, etc.). Lanyards or IDs that are defaced will have to be replaced. Students’ face, name and bar code must be visible and legible.
- Brooks Standardized dress is required at all home athletic and academic games. Enforcement begins the first day of the school year.
- Students not in compliance will be asked to change into school supplied, compliant clothes. If school clothing is not available, students will be allowed to call home for a change of clothes.
- Students who repeatedly violate the dress code will be subject to disciplinary actions.
- Spirit days and dress down days will be provided throughout the school year.
- Brooks PE/dance bags are for clothes for those classes only, and are not to be used as a backpack for anything other classes. Failure to comply will result in a dress code violation.
- Administration will make the final decision on any dress code decisions.
Dress Code for Dress Down Days, Dress Up Days & Evening Events
Student dress should be appropriate for the learning environment at all times. Occasionally throughout the year, however, students may have the opportunity to earn dress down days. Any student dressed inappropriately will be sent to an administrator. When students have the opportunity to dress down the following will apply:
- All shirts/tops must cover the shoulders, be long enough in length as to cover the beltline when standing and may not be see through.
- Skirts, shorts and dresses should be a proper length (fingertip length).
- Clothing with offensive pictures or language is inappropriate.
- No hats or any other types of head gear (unless for religious or medical reasons but subject to administrative approval)
- No spaghetti strap tees, tank tops, strapless, off the shoulder tops or coat-like jackets
- No sagging and no skin may show through torn jeans or jeans with holes (leggings are to be worn beneath jeans with holes)
- No pajamas or house shoes
- Leggings may be worn with tops/tunics/dresses/skirts that are at least fingertip length
- No jeans or sweats may be worn on Dress Up Days
During the School Day
Behavior Expectations
Keeping students emotionally and physically safe at school is our number one priority. All students have the right to learn in an orderly environment that is free of disruption. We understand that from time to time, students may need additional practice meeting these expectations. We are trying to teach students academic and behavioral skills they will be using in the real world that will help them be successful adolescents and adults. Our staff will work closely with parents to ensure students learn to be responsible citizens and develop strategies for resolving conflicts
We take bullying very seriously.
Bullying is defined as 1) purposeful behavior that intends to cause harm or distress, 2) is usually repeated over time, and 3) occurs in a relationship where there is an imbalance of power. Forms of bullying are: 1) Physical, 2) Cyber, and 3) occurs in a relationship where there is an imbalance of power. Forms of bullying are: 1) Physical, 2) Cyber, and 3) Relational Aggression. Witnesses of bullying are to tell the bully to stop, tell and adult, and reach out in friendship to the victim.
If your child is experiencing bullying at school, please contact your child's teacher or school administration and let them know about it right away. It is important to remember that we cannot act in situations that we know nothing about.
Families and students are also encouraged to use the SPEAK Up Anonymous Tip Program. The district’s Crime Stoppers in Schools program has created the Speak Up program, which allows students, staff and parents the ability to send anonymous tips through a secure website, app or phone number. The funding for this service is provided by Crime Stoppers of Wichita and Sedgwick County, a division of The Wichita Metro Crime Commission.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is words or behaviors that are sexual in nature and are unwanted and unwelcome. Sexual harassment could be touching or grabbing body parts, touching or rubbing onself in front of another, sending or delivering unwanted and unwelcome messages, notes or pictures with sexual content, sexual gestures, looks, jokes, comments or noises. Sexual harassment is not tolerated in Wichita Public Schools.
All complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated completely and when the complaint is made. All efforts will be made to provide confidentiality, to the extent possible, for all people involved. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. False complaints will also result in disciplinary action.
Cell Phone Policy
School Meals
We provide breakfast for all students free of charge.
Lunch fees can depend on family income. Complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application annually to qualify for free lunch and adjustments to school fees.
The district uses an app called School Cafe to allow families to see menus.
The district uses LINQ Connect to pay for meals and school fees.
For special dietary restrictions, please contact the school nurse.
Field Trips
Field trips with our city and nearby sites of interest are scheduled by classroom teachers throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement different aspects of the classroom curriculum and intoduce students to resources within the community. Parents will be notified of the planned trip at least five days in advance and must sign a trip waiver for students to attend. If a student does not have a signed permission slip to attend the trip, they will not go. We will not accept verbal permission over the phone.
If there is a fee for the field trip, the money needs to be submitted at least three days prior to the scheduled trip. All field trips require the use of school buses. Parents are not able to transport students on field trips.
If a parent serves as a chaperone, they will need to complete the school district's volunteer process prior to the field trip
Weather Information
The safety of students, staff and parents is the Wichita Public Schools' greatest priority during the threat of dangerous conditions.
Emergency plans are in place should tornadoes, lightning, hail, snow or other dangerous circumstances present a safety concern.
If schools are to be closed or activities cancelled or rescheduled due to weather conditions, the information will be posted on the Wichita Public Schools' website main page and displayed on all school websites.
Family Engagement
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are a great way to stay involved in your child's education. Parents have the opportunity to discuss their child's progress, review assignments, learn about future projects and to strengthen the connection between home and school.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are held twice a year in October and February.
Progress Reports
Progress reports are provided to parents every quarter. Reviewing these reports is an essential component of parent involvement in their child's education. Please look for these reports and discuss them with your student. You may also log on to ParentVue for an ongoing list of grades provided by the teacher. If you have any concerns about these reports, contact your student's teacher.
Visiting and Volunteering
All visitors to the building, including parents, must sign in through our visitor management system HallPass.
Parents, caregivers and other relatives wanting to volunteer in the school or for field trips are required to register every year as a volunteer. Visit the Volunteer Registration page to complete your annual registration.